Everything Eden
I'm Clark.
It's great to have you here.
About Me
Having grown up in South Africa, I moved to the UK in 2009 and I live in wonderful, leafy Hove on the South coast of England with my wife and growing family.
I had the privilege of being in church leadership for five years as a full time pastor/elder (at KingsGate). I loved the church, working with an incredible the team and getting to preach regularly.
In 2019 I took the plunge and jumped into a Masters in Theology programme - something I'd been dreaming of for years. I've been working in the incredible theology team at Tearfund since early 2020. One exciting aspect of my work at Tearfund is being a part of crafting The Justice Conference.
I'm a trained spiritual director. I love the ministry of spiritual direction which I see as a sacred space between two pilgrims on the Way - a Spiritual Accompaniment, where the director can, through simple questions and a compassionate presence, help the directee grow in awareness of God's presence, activity and invitations.
My little website...
This little website is the result of few interests of mine.
Firstly, I'm interested in the Bible. I'm amazed that this ancient, unusual, extraordinary library of books, stories, poetry and prophecy is incredibly relevant, provocative and compelling in our world today. I think the Bible is sometimes simply a delight to read, discuss and reflect upon. If we're paying attention to it, though, we might admit that often the Bible is also confusing, complex, and sometimes flat out concerning! The Bible has been used to inspire and encourage, to shape dreams and form cultures. I think the way we read the Bible really matters. Arguably it's one of the most influential books ever read. It has
been used to prop up wicked empires and reinforce oppressive social structures. But, read differently, it's been used to overturn the unjust structures of society and to liberate those living with the boot of empire on their neck. I am passionate about unearthing the ways scripture can shape how we live our lives and build a more just society.
Central to my faith is my sense that God is a God of justice. The word justice of course means different things to different people. While it might be controversial to some, and perhaps a new idea for others, I don't believe God to be retributive or punitive (an eye for a eye), but rather I believe that God is just in that God loves all of creation, and that God is active in the world to put the world to rights. Yes - the world is not as it should be. Yes - I am sinful in that I'm complicit in and part of the brokenness of this world. But I believe God is redeeming this world. God is restoring all things. This vision of restorative justice shapes how I read Scripture and inspires me in my journey of faith.
I'm interested in Spiritual Formation: rhythms, patterns and practices in our lives that cultivate intimacy with God, that shape character, that form Christlikeness, and that make the Christian faith real and relevant in daily life. This is central to my apprenticeship to Jesus, and I love exploring this with friends.
I love learning and exploring culture. ​I love learning new ways of looking at the world around us and understanding our cultural moment and how we got here. I'm interested in how much our world is changing at the moment: from the dizzying pace of technological developments and the relentless hurry so many of us seem to be experiencing, to the global shift from a modern to a postmodern worldview, to the secularisation of the Global North, to the church's loss of political and cultural power and its movement into society's margins and grassroots... where Jesus was found in the gospels...
And I love Jesus. As the perfect representation of God's being, Jesus shows us what God is truly like. That the creator of all things is loving, gracious and kind, and is for us is truly really, really good news. As I wrestle with my faith, I recognise that there's much mystery, much that I don't understand and can't wrap my head around. I have lots of questions that I don't have answers for. But I find Jesus so compelling and captivating that I'm still wondering and wandering...
So, this little website is a place to try and share some of these thoughts, wrestles and discoveries, and hopefully open up conversation and exploration together.
This website is for people who are interested in understanding the bible - not just superficially - but in deep and life-transforming ways; in ways that connect us both with God and also the world we live in today. It's for people who know that the bible, and the Christian faith, is not meant to be propping up the injustice and brokenness of our world, but rather it is meant to be provocatively turning our world upside down. It's for people who believe that the Creator and Sustainer of all things is good and loves all of creation, including you and me and every single person that's ever lived.
So... if​ that's the space you're after, great! Grab a quality cup of something caffeinated and make yourself at home.