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1 min read
The quiet chill beyond - a Good Friday morning poem
the quiet chill from beyond beckons deep dark blue that night betrayed but faithful for all forever unseen weight pressing down a gift...

2 min read
Palm Sunday
Today, on Palm Sunday, I'm remembering this view of Jerusalem from the Eastern wall. I'm picturing Jesus, on a donkey, journeying up...

2 min read
Can women be theologians?
Today I finished an essay that I've been writing for what feels like an age. It's for my theology degree. To be able to write this essay...

4 min read
Maps, Mysteries and Monsters
I remember the first time I used Google Earth. It was an incredible moment: for the first time I could zoom around the world checking out...

6 min read
'Hurry Sickness' and the rich ruler
Did you know that 'hurry sickness' is now a real diagnosable thing? I didn't until recently. It's been identified by the cardiologists...

5 min read
The God of Abraham, Isaac and child sacrifice?
Along with everyone else in the world attempting bible reading plans for 2019, I'm currently reading Genesis. Chapter 22 is a pretty...

5 min read
A Waiting World - Advent
In most years in the past, around this time, my focus starts to go towards Christmas. In some years, that means I'm thinking about...

1 min read
patience in pregnancy - a poem
This is a poem I wrote about a time a few years ago when I felt lost and stuck and yearning for something I couldn't articulate. I wrote...

3 min read
Advent: Ethiopa, 99 sheep & a womb
Isaiah 43 beautifully and poetically depicts how God desires for us to see, know and experience him, even in the hardest times and amidst...

4 min read
It's The End of The World as We Know It - Part 5: In Our Hands
This is Part 5 in a mutli-post series/rambling. It will make a lot more sense and have a lot more context if you have a look at the...
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